Saturday 8 December 2012

Creative Studies Week 7

This week, Mr. Radzi Bedu, has giving lecture. During the lecture, Mr. Radzi Bedu had giving some activities .

1. Flower            0. Head
2. Lightning         9. Rain
3. Ice                  8. Wood
4. Light               7. Tree
5. Fire                6. Spider
6. Duck             5. Root
7. Dog               4. Mountain
8. Oil                3. Wind
9.Leave            2. Rock
0. Fly               1. Water

Choose a number from 00~99, then make a word out of it.
My number is 94, 06, 29.
94 - Leave Mountain
06 - Fly Spider
29 - Lightning Rain

This is the drawing that I make during the lecture.

There was a poem I had make during the lecture exercise about Chili and Girl.
Oh, a litter chili,
You're make me so hot.
Oh, a litter girl,
You're make me so hot.
I love chili that make me feel hot,
And, I love you.
Litter girl.

Mr. Radzi Bedu also want us to combine two animal. I had draw it out.

Combination of butterfly and elephants.

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