Today, Mr. Yap Sau Bin is giving a lecture about ability to something new. How to discover newness? We have to try out something that we never try. What You See Is What You Get, we have to observed every thing that around us.
What is the definition of Creativity?
Creativity is the ability to think up and design new inventions, produce work of art, solve problems in new ways.
Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative:
1. need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
2. need to communicate ideas and values
3. need to solve problems
The first question has asked by Mr. Yap:
What does it tell us about process of invention and innovation?
Invention is if the formulation of new ideas for product or processes. Innovation is all about applications into marketable products or services. The process of Invention is the cognitive realization that there is a weakness in current technology, there must be a culture of tolerance for things 'new' in a society. Process of Innovation is do with finding better or more efficient ways of producing existing products ---> advantages ---> possible drawbacks.
The 2nd question asked by Mr Yap:
Ask yourself what kind of environment, situation etc, would make you to become a creative/ inventive / innovative person?
To be Creative, I choose the environment that lonely, because lonely may make me have infinity imagination. If I want to be inventive i will ask my friends to force me to thing the invention that i'm going to create. Innovation comes along ones people buy your product and it become famous.
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